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How to Create Program Keyboard Shortcut Keys

How to Create Program Keyboard  Shortcut Keys

1.     Open a certain directory or folder that contains the program which you want to create the shortcut.
2.     Right Click on the program and select Create Shortcut from the popup menu.
3.     This will create a shortcut named Shortcut to (Program Name) in that directory. If you want to rename it then Right click on Shortcut Program and click on rename from the popup menu, you can also rename it by clicking on Shortcut Program and pressing F2 Key.
4.     Once above procedure completed you can copy this shortcut and paste it anywhere you want it

Once the shortcut created you can assign a keystroke to that program short cut
1.     Right-click on the shortcut and click on Properties in the popup menu
2.     Click the Shortcut Tab.
Click on the Shortcut Key Box and press any letter. Suppose if you press the "U" shortcut key will automatically create to Ctrl+ Alt+ U. Which means if saved pressing Ctrl+Alt+U will run that shortcut.

#shortcut keys list of computer